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Recently, I read a post over at Hip Homeschool Moms about getting healthy. With every sentence, I found myself nodding my head in agreement and thinking, “That is so true and so me.”  When it came time to comment, as it so often does, my response turned into something way too long to not become a post over here.  Go ahead and read “Making the Time to Exercise” and then come on back over here and read my thoughts on the matter.  I’ll wait, I promise.

As you may know from reading this thing, I have five small ones right now and another on the way (due in December).  When I got married, I was happy at my weight of 155.  I’m only 5′ 3″, but I felt (and looked) good (if I do say so myself), I walked all the time, and I had energy.  I loved playing with my nieces and nephews and spending time with my family.  During my first pregnancy, I put on way too much weight.  I must have gained 70 ish pounds (granted, over 20 of that came and went within the last 2 weeks and delivery, but at least a solid 50lbs was gained).  Could have been the stress of working during pregnancy at a demanding job.  Could have been all those Chips Ahoy I liked to eat whenever the nausea set in.  Who can say?  All I know is the pounds came on easily, but didn’t want to go when the pregnancy was over.  I didn’t really make much of an effort to show them the door, either.  I had my baby to love and care for and the last thing I was worried about was how I looked, and I still felt good (b/c I had a baby to love).  I lost nothing.

I got pregnant with the second right away and managed to walk almost every day and have a much better diet during that pregnancy and gave birth at a lower weight than when I had my first pre-natal visit.  It was fantastic.  I felt amazing and was so happy, but I didn’t keep up with it.  There were so many “reasons” why I couldn’t work out every day.  Things like napping (mine and the kids) and grocery shopping and laundry and TV and TV and oh, did I mention?  TV.  “Life” got in the way.

Three more babies, and  a late miscarriage, and another pregnancy, and here I am.  Overweight (by a good bit) and sluggish, and tired, and just generally not as much of a participant in my own life or those of my children.

I decided this month it was going to change.  I’ve been walking almost every day, between 1.5 and 2.5 miles, with the help of my sister and her oh so patient children.  I’m eating better.  If you know me, you’ll be surprised when I tell you I’ve swapped the Doritos I like to have with my lunch for baby carrots.  Yeah, I know.

The weight gain hasn’t changed much, but I feel so much better, and I know, if I can form the habit now, it will mean a world of difference for me and my kids in the years to come.

Thanks for the post inspiration, Danielle!