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So, I have no idea why, but yesterday, I just had to clean.  If you know me, you know that this rarely happens, but when it does, things get real.

Without further ado, welcome to this week’s addition of Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real.


My clean bathroom sink.  This makes me more than a little happy.  I haven't been feeling like cleaning lately, even though I know that when everything is clean life is just better.  Clean is so pretty.

My clean bathroom sink. This makes me more than a little happy. I haven’t been feeling like cleaning lately, even though I know that when everything is clean life is just better. Clean is so pretty.


Not cleaning related, but this made me happy.  The little one asked her big sister to brush her hair.  So sweet.

Not cleaning related, but this made me happy. The little one asked her big sister to brush her hair. So sweet.


I love this duck.  Maybe not funny, but it definitely makes me chuckle.  Also, Barbie in the background, being all "Hey!!"

I love this duck. Maybe not funny, but it definitely makes me chuckle. Also, Barbie in the background, being all “Hey!!”


I hate cleaning my microwave.  I really hate it.  I think that in the entire almost 10 years I’ve owned the darn thing, it’s been cleaned maybe three times.  It’s gross.  I’m shamed.  Seriously.  But, I heard about that vinegar trick, and tried it.  Here’s the before:

Yup. Gross.

Yup. Gross.

And here is the after:

Almost perfect.

Almost perfect.

Almost.  I guess even steam cleaning a microwave with boiling vinegar can only do so much after 10 years, right?

Almost. I guess even steam cleaning a microwave with boiling vinegar can only do so much after 10 years, right?

I plan on trying this one, and a couple of other variations (lemon juice and a damp paper towel; lemon juice, vinegar, and water) at least once a month from now on to see if I can salvage the roof of this thing.  I’ve realized it’s just not that hard and I’ve got no excuse to not keep it clean.  It only took me 10 years to really get it.

Shared with the lovely ladies over at Like Mother, Like Daughter.

round button chicken